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Friday, February 29, 2008
Port Dickson International Half Marathon
Venue: Admiral Marina & Leisure Club, Port Dickson, N9
Certificates and medals will be awarded to runners who complete their race within stipulated times.
Half marathon
A - Men's Open (18 years & above)
B - Women's Open (18 years & above)
11km Run
C - Men's Open (18 years & above)
D - Women's Open (18 years & above)
E - Men's Veteran (40 - 55 years old)
F - Men's Senior Veteran (55 years old & above)
G - Women's Veteran (35 years old & above)
School Children
H - Boys (13 - 17 years old)
I - Girls (13 - 17 years old)
Entry fee:
Half Marathon (RM20)
11KM Run (RM15)
School Children (RM5)
Admiral Marina & Leisure Club
Batu 5 1/2, Jalan Pantai
71050 Port Dickson
Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus
Tel: 6-06-647-0888
Fax: 6-06-647-0880/9
I have been this event last year,and i managed to get 8th placing in men open which is very tough,as you know the Negri Indian guy there are so fast!Their junior even superb,if i not mistaken i have lost to their juniors about 10 to 15 of them,which considered a lot!Anyway i also recomend you guys to go and have look at this race,now there is quite a lot of Kenyan,so for me to get inisde top 10 is so tough!But never try you will never know the results!Negri's Seremban there is a small town,so you will have kind of nature view when running over it.1 thing i still remembered is the the finishing inside the big football field where i have to run over the mud there!So dirty!ha!but you have no choice!If you stop down,then you will lose to the back guy that chasing after you.So you can imagine that my whole body and shoes was stained with those dirty mud.Yuck.....
Wilderness Langkawi Challenge 2008
a. Kayaking
b. Trail Running
c. Mountain Biking - Fast & Furious category only
d. Possible Caving - Fast & Furious category only
e. Surprise Elements to test the wits of the participants
Total distance
a. Slow & Steady: 10km - 15km
b. Fast and Furious: 40km - 45km
Time: 3rd May 2008
Where? Tuba Island.
How much?RM 150/team for slow&steady while RM300 for Fast & furious
Extra informations:The Wilderness Langkawi Challenge is all about having a great time and pushing yourselves to the limit! There will be a skills test
session on 2nd May 2008 for all participants. Details will be provided later. For more information, please call + 603 2730 5000 - Adilah (+6012 302 9666) / Jasmin (+6012 302 3600)
Also another eco-challenge,and i may consider to join also,but may look at the budget which is quite heavy for us,i may ask Ady to join,if Unit sukan really going to sponsor us,then i will reallly have to make up our mind as to compete to the best.Anyway what i fear the most is kind of mapping reading which is very tricky in this kind of race.Until now i didnt get the website of its full detail,i hope to get it soon,who knows we may form 2 teams comprise of our "veteran members".ha!
Attention!!! anyone interest in the event can download the form Here.More informations about the race can be downloaded Here also.Thanks
Thursday, February 28, 2008
For 10KM: try to achieve below 10mins for man and below 11.30secs for woman,go for 2 laps will be ok.
For half-marathon:try to achieve below 12 mins for man for at least 3-4 laps,and woman below 13mins also 3-4laps,without stopping.
This is just my estimation,and i hope you all will try your best.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Vary your training schedule
Here is a small advice to all our friends,vary our training workout is very important
it may helps us to achieve better performance,while we wont feel boring about
If you want to gain fitness, your training must be consistent day after day,
week after week. While you must train consistently, breaking up similar routines
and introducing diversity and change into your workouts will propel you forward
to creating the most optimal "training effect"
(that is, the most noticeable improvement in your fitness/performance).
This includes doing your training easy on easy days, more intensely on
high intensity, interval, or hilly days, and mixing up intensities within
certain workouts as specified.Running can be a lot of fun if we enjoy about it during
our workout,especially running in a group of members.
Optimal composition of an Athlete's diet
•Resistance exercise reliant on anaerobic energy
•Reduction in muscle glycogen during 30-45min
•Therefore, CHO requirements most likely close
•Also use intramuscular triglyceride
•Most athletes eat adequate protein
•Protein requirements very similar between
•More recently, many athletes over-emphasise
•More protein isn’t necessarily better –it just gets
•Essential to good health
• Important for preventing falls in intramuscular triglyceride
•Recommended levels 20-25% dietary intake, however
•Preference for unsaturated sources, from oily fish, nuts,
•Evidence that females utilise more fat, and less CHO, at
•Researchers have suggested need slightly higher fat,
•Dietary surveys tend to show that women are more likely
•Foods rich in Antioxidants to help prevent
•Calcium for bones and optimal muscle
•Iron for oxygen carrying.
•B-group Vitamins
•Vitamin C (etc etc)
•Adjust energy intake according to phase of
•Use pre/during/post training food and
•Depends on the athlete…..
•Match CHO needs with amount and type
•Ensure you have a balance of all
•All within energy balance training.
•Achieve adequate protein.
P/S:I hope you all can get what these are mean about,anyway if you still not really know what they mention about,then is never mind,because the most important thing is do what you feel the best/comfortable before this,never too worry about achieving to the top/peak performance in short time.Do have patience in ourselve,only then one day we will know that where we really stand at.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Penang Bridge Marathon 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tioman Island Challenge.
This is some info:
When ? | 13 – 15 May 2008 (Tuesday to Thursday) |
Where ? | Tioman Island, Pahang Darul Makmur |
How to get there ? | By road:- |
Teams | Team of 4 racers including one compulsory female. |
Disciplines | • Biking • Running • Canoeing • Surprise tasks along the course • Night stop outdoor camping |
Duration | 3 day - 2 night |
Prizes | Attractive cash prizes: •1st - RM 10,000 •2nd – RM 8,000 •3rd – RM 5,000 •4th – RM 3,000 •5th – RM 2,000 •6th – 10th – RM 1000 •Iron Lady of Tioman – RM 5,000 •Trophies for winning team •Medallion to all racers completing the race •Certificate of participation for all racers completing the race |
Food & drinks | Race fee includes: |
Accommodation | •Tents are provided for participants at night stops during race •Hotel accommodation before and after the race could be arranged. Prior booking necessary. |
Schedule | Monday, 12th May Tuesday, 14th May Wednesday, 15th May |
Safety and Medical Assistance | This event involves adventure racing. We are very concern of the safety of the participants. Medical assistance will be positioned along the race course to allow immediate attention be provided in case of any emergency. Medical treatment will also be provided at overnight stops if so required. Medical evacuation team will be on stand by at all time. You need to be mentally, physically and logistically prepared for this race. Safety consideration: dehydration/hyponatremia, exposure/hypothermia, insects and dangerous animals (mosquitoes, bees, snakes, caterpillars, scorpions, leeches etc.) rugged, rough terrain and thick jungle. Weather: Tioman is a tropical island with high humidity. Temperature between 25° - 35°C. |
Logistics | Tents and basic toilets will be available at overnight stops. Bicycles and safety helmets are available for rent. Canoes, paddles and safety jackets are provided. Participants’ luggage (not required for race) will be transferred from the start line to the finish line. Sufficient clothes and personal items (for race and overnight use) will be individually carried by participants during race. |
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Running for a Beginner.....
1)Be patient.It takes time for your body to adapt to a new activity.In beginning,persistence is more important than distance or speed.Get out a few times a week whether you walk,run or alternate between them.
2)Take it easy but keep track of what you do.Over time you will be able to cover more distance and build speed.You won't see the progress if you don't keep the data.
3)Don't skimp on gear,particularly shoes.You'll be able happier over the next few weeks with a hat,gloves and a windproof jacket.Polyester clothes will be nice one,as it can helps to dries fast and won't let you sopping wet and chilled.Running shoes are designed to address different issues with your gait:the specialty stores know those different and can save you a lot of headache.Such as Royal Sporting House,Al Ikhsan,or those shops like Adidas Retail shop,Nike and so more,don't be hesitate to ask the sales person about what kind of shoes suit you feet the most!!!
4)Warm up,cool down.5-10mins walk or slow jog at the start of the run will make the whole process less miserable.A few minutes of stretching at the end will lower the risk of injury and help minimize some of the usual aches and pains.
5)Don't be afraid of food.Many of us are in this to help with the weight control,but starving yourself-or eliminate whole food group-is not the way to do it.You need a balance or carbohydrate,protein,and yes, stay healthy!!!p/s: As in Malaysia here,those spicy foods can be avoided especially before the race,as it may give effect to our body,like stomach ache.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Speed workout
We demand our muscles to perform at a rate for which they are not conditioned. The truth is, our bodies can't supply the blood and oxygen that our hip flexors require to meet certain demands. Have you neglected working regular hill drills into your routine? Do you do them but don't know why? Do you vary the type of workouts you do? How do you approach the hill?
One of the most famous proponents of hill training is Olympic coach Arthur Lydiard. His hill circuit training requires the athlete to bound (focus on horizontal motion) or leap (focus on vertical motion) up the hill. Lydiard concentrated a great deal on hill running form to promote efficiency. Driving the knees, for example, is one aspect on which to focus--as well as toeing-off and slapping the heel to the buttocks.
When done at a slower pace, a runner can focus more on technique and may actually feel more soreness than they expect from drill-like repeats. Consider a weight routine in which you are lifting and lowering the weight more slowly--it hurts more. Gravity is our resistance on the hills.
The first cycle of hill workouts in Lydiard's ideal season is geared towards strength. It consists of 6-8 repeats on a 1,000-meter moderate incline. As the season progresses and the focus changes to explosive speed, the repeats increase to 8-10 and the length of the hill shrinks to 275 meters. The stride down the hill is always fast but in control.
Before the next hill repeat, Lydiard had his runners run about 250 meters at between 800 and 1,600 pace. For Lydiard, who primarily trained track athletes, hill workouts focused on building mileage after the base phase. However, incorporating hills throughout the season proves an effective way to improve efficiency without peaking too early.
Speed Up
According to Stacy Osborne, an avid runner and podiatrist in the Cincinnati area, many of us don't address our biomechanics, one of the most controllable aspects of our training and keys to improvement. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the leg on the ground that's primarily responsible for generating the power for forward velocity.
Rather, it's the non-weight-bearing leg--the leg in the swing phase--that generates momentum by creating a tug on the runner's center of gravity as it swings forward. The foot on the ground acts as a lever, and the runner is thus propelled forward. Those muscles responsible for this power stroke, the key hip flexors, are the illiacus, psoas major and psoas minor. These are also some of the most important muscles for cyclists, recruited during the pulling-up phase.
One of the best ways to strengthen those hip flexors and improve the power of our swing phase is with hill repeats. As we gain strength, our chances of getting injured are diminished, and we gain mental confidence. Once you've done 15 X 2:00 of a steep hill, 1:00 climbing a similar incline in a race will look like a mole hill. This is because running hills improves speed.
Your effort increases as you run up a hill, even if you reduce your pace. So, in a race, the best way to run a hill is to maintain effort and forget about pace while on the hill--even effort is the surest route to a faster time. Trying to maintain pace on the hill is like surging and varying the body's perceived effort, which will only tire you prematurely in the long run.
How else can you build tireless, feisty, power strokes using hill workouts? One way to maintain volume is to do hill fartleks (Swedish for "speed play"). Pick a course with hills and focus on surging up the hills. If you're doing strict hill repeats, try varying the pace. For example, if you are doing four sets of three hills, do the first at 5k pace and the second at 10k pace.
Focus on slow and exaggerated form on the third hill. Instead of varying the pace at which you run, you can vary the hill lengths themselves. If you are working in a group, pair up and run them like a relay such that your rest depends on how long it takes your partner to get up and down the hill.
Should you decide to run hills by time (i.e. 90 seconds on five hills), mark how far you get each time with a rock or little flag. Try to reach or beat that landmark each repeat. It is also good practice to try to surge over and past the crest of the hill.
The mental factor determines how well we run on hills. Many of us see hill repeats as an opportunity to practice conquering or attacking the hill. One tactic is to approach the hill as a friend rather than foe.
Another helpful piece of imagery is to imagine strings attached to your hands--and the string ends tied to a point at the top of the hill. As you pump your arms and thrust your elbows behind you, imagine the strings providing you leverage to pull yourself up more easily. You don't have to turn your mind off to escape negative, self-defeating talk; instead, recruit your mind to help you.
As runners, triathletes need to recognize the importance of strengthening our hip flexor muscles. Strong flexors help us maintain a grueling pace, attack a hill, kick with speed on the flats, and protect our bodies from injury. They are an integral piece of training year-round and, with variation, can make us more efficient runners and cyclists. Go ahead, be king of the hill!
More photoes........of KL Towerthon 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Training Places by days
Monday:Up hill beside FKE (there's 2 ways: one is the hill area beside Lingkaran Ilmu
another one is hill area at Logi Air(steeper).
Tuesday:Lingkaran Ilmu(minimum 2 laps)
Wednesday:Gym or areas arond tepi Tasik for some weight training.
Thursday: Padang besar UTM,just beside tasik,rugby field.(run around the field at least 3 laps)
Friday: Up to Balai cerap or Ibnu Sina(both are hill area),we suggest start early or sharp
at5,30 pm because its will become dark at hill top there if we are late.
Saturday: Free and easy run,either morning or evening ,we will decide it later.
P/S: any changing of the routes may be done on the spot,depend on the condition,weather,members that attending.Thanks
Friday, February 15, 2008
Lighthouse Run 2008
Time: 8th March,Saturday
Time of Registration: 2.00 pm
Briefing : 2.30 pm
Start : 2.40 pm
Where : From Ilham Resort to Lighthouse, Tg Tuan Forest Reserve
Distance : About 2 km (includes beach, slopes, stairs!)
- Men uder 40
- Women under 40
- Men under 40
- Women under 40
1st Prize
- 2nd Prize
- 3rd Prize
Click here for more detail and entry form.
we may contact the person:Zatalini Zulkiply (017 2003 245) or Jack Teoh at
P/S: From what i have sms the guy above told me that they only offer cash voucer of Timberland for the prizes,no Cert and T-shirt!!!
Nutrition for a Runner
Before the race : Its been really important for us to make sure what we eat before the race can help us to improve during the event.We should take more resources of carbohydrate,protien,mineral,plenty of water,and some supplements of vitamins may help us too.We need to avoid oily,spicy food,but that doesnt mean we cant consume these kind of food at all,may be just a little bit.Food like fishes,taufu,soy bean are full of protien resources,which may help us to build the muscle and replace the bad cell.I myself also recomended salted egg which just like playing the role of 100Plus!You can consume ice drink but try to avoid especially after your training!This is very important!Mineral water is just nice.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Training Programmes
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
AM Bank KL International Marathon 2008 for more imformation
To register by post or walk in,and u may register online too just click here
Website:CDEX Run
KL Towerthon 2008

Wong Chin Chun,Lee Soon Yong were there,all of us were in Team A,
where we managed to get the second placing in IPT(Higher learning category)and RM2000 also,ha!ha!Another guy,
Ady was in the third group together with Blake(Md Ibrahim).One more thing is the Men open champion also come
from this second group.

still need more exposure of more road running races.

Have a look at all the member from UTM(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia).I can describe that this outing is quite good for us,its a good exposure for all of us.
See again next year KL Towerthon.
Full results by clicking here