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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Larian Jambatan Bandaraya Kuala Terengganu
This is what our woman runner up said:"my timing for my 1st half marathon : 2 jam 2 minit
tak ramai masuk kategori wopen open..ade la beberapa runner dari kl..seb baek saya masuk kategori open..heheheh..
ramai masuk kategori tertutup sangat bertuah laa ari tu...huhuhu...
kategori terbuka lelaki ramai jugak runner2 luar..kenya pon ade...
lari half marathon syok jugak..ade runner cakap bukan 24 not so sure yet..nanti kalo sy da tau brape distance sbenar, sy akan gtau semula..huhuhu..."
So you all cam mane?Train harder and get what you should reserve to gain.Nothing is impossible!As long as you believe in yourself,1 day it will happen to you also!Congratz to IDA again,our best Kakithoner of the month!
tak ramai masuk kategori wopen open..ade la beberapa runner dari kl..seb baek saya masuk kategori open..heheheh..
ramai masuk kategori tertutup sangat bertuah laa ari tu...huhuhu...
kategori terbuka lelaki ramai jugak runner2 luar..kenya pon ade...
lari half marathon syok jugak..ade runner cakap bukan 24 not so sure yet..nanti kalo sy da tau brape distance sbenar, sy akan gtau semula..huhuhu..."
So you all cam mane?Train harder and get what you should reserve to gain.Nothing is impossible!As long as you believe in yourself,1 day it will happen to you also!Congratz to IDA again,our best Kakithoner of the month!
Race report,
Training date and places
To all Kakithoner:
With effect from now,i would like to announce that the training days and places for us has been change with the upcoming semester final exam.The new training days and places as follow:
Days: Monday,Wednesday,Friday and (for weekend we will choose either)
Places : Start from L21/KTHO where we will go for new route consist of 1km,5oom and 200m which is up hill.The former route which was Lingkaran Ilmu and KTGB Hill will still be in our training route but will be randomly choosen.
Time : As usual is 5.30pm
I hope that all of you take note of it,any question/problem can direct sms me at 016-4339095.
With effect from now,i would like to announce that the training days and places for us has been change with the upcoming semester final exam.The new training days and places as follow:
Days: Monday,Wednesday,Friday and (for weekend we will choose either)
Places : Start from L21/KTHO where we will go for new route consist of 1km,5oom and 200m which is up hill.The former route which was Lingkaran Ilmu and KTGB Hill will still be in our training route but will be randomly choosen.
Time : As usual is 5.30pm
I hope that all of you take note of it,any question/problem can direct sms me at 016-4339095.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Muzium Race Pics/ Kakithoner of the Month
Yeah! For the moment i would like to make it an award which is Kakithoner of the Month! I personally will sponsor the prizes to the winner and the prizes been secret since i hope that every1 of u will try ur best to become the star in the particular month.So how exactly to be selected to be the winner?By looking at your performance for that month,the results of ur race,how fast you have improve compare to previous month and more......
It wouldnt be unfair as the first Kakithoner of the Month of March been out now! Yeah,she is Ida.Her performance for the past 3 weeks been kinda dream for herself.
First by finishing 9th in women category of Kl Towerthon $ 500 she got,although her team B didnt manage to get inside top 5 for IPT category,but her effort enough to pip a lot of other guys out there!
Second is MASUM in UPM.The national university athletic meets.She had done so well by captured 1 silver and 1 bronze in 1500m and 3000m.If not of the UPM woman that been so strong for her,she will most probably become champion ler!
Third is jus happened last week.First in university category of Muzium Race in Jalan Raja Chulan.$ 500 again.She done well by finishing ahead of the UITM girls more than 1 min.
So what are u guys waiting for???I sincerely hope u all can really done well in ecah race you join.But remember dun put too much pressure on yourself,just keep going on and u will find the right pave of your future!
If any question can just personally meet me or sms me.
You also can call/sms to T.Penasihat/Mr Black at 012-7473468 (his blog : here )if you have any inquiries or question about injury as he is expert in sport science which play the major role in our sports future!
It wouldnt be unfair as the first Kakithoner of the Month of March been out now! Yeah,she is Ida.Her performance for the past 3 weeks been kinda dream for herself.
First by finishing 9th in women category of Kl Towerthon $ 500 she got,although her team B didnt manage to get inside top 5 for IPT category,but her effort enough to pip a lot of other guys out there!
Second is MASUM in UPM.The national university athletic meets.She had done so well by captured 1 silver and 1 bronze in 1500m and 3000m.If not of the UPM woman that been so strong for her,she will most probably become champion ler!
Third is jus happened last week.First in university category of Muzium Race in Jalan Raja Chulan.$ 500 again.She done well by finishing ahead of the UITM girls more than 1 min.
So what are u guys waiting for???I sincerely hope u all can really done well in ecah race you join.But remember dun put too much pressure on yourself,just keep going on and u will find the right pave of your future!
If any question can just personally meet me or sms me.
You also can call/sms to T.Penasihat/Mr Black at 012-7473468 (his blog : here )if you have any inquiries or question about injury as he is expert in sport science which play the major role in our sports future!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Recent development of Kakithoners
3 weeks in a row,i and Ida been in KL....What a relive now as its all over now.And the most successful kakithoners sure belong to this woman......Ida.After getting 9th place in KL Towerthon,she returned to the next week and had very good outing in MASUM where she got 1 silver and 1 bronze in her 1500m and 3000m track event!Not only that,this week she went to Muzium Telekom Race and yet again got the first prize in there event!Total Prize money she won?Banyak!!!!Rm1000!The richest kakithoners now!So kena minta dia belanja tau..haha!
Lets discuss some about the Muzium Race where it only divided to Primary school,secondary scholl and university/college category.10km is for uni category anyway after we had finished it,its just merely 5.5km that i estimated.Both Wong and Yong Han were caugth to the short disance,anyway hopefully next time they know what exactly strategic need to use in future races.For Ida no need to say much,her peak condition in these 2 weeks has directly help her in this race too.Without using much of her strength,she conquer the uni women category champ.Rm500 in her pocket ler....I myslef have a bit dissapointing results of finishing 8th in my group.Losing to those Indian runners again.Yong Han and Wong finished 14th and 18th respectively.What annoy me the most is those guys who are not in uni/college using fake detail as to join the uni/college category.This is not an issue yet,the issue matter most is they still can get the prizes in the category!Please la,do respect the organiser and event,fair play is something that we want to see.So many races that we joined sure we must know that being respect and follow the rules is something very important.By joining in the category,they had deny the chances of other students to get inisde top 20 which will entitle them some consolation prizes....till here is what i would like to say for this week.Photos of the race will be uploaded if i get it early.
Lets discuss some about the Muzium Race where it only divided to Primary school,secondary scholl and university/college category.10km is for uni category anyway after we had finished it,its just merely 5.5km that i estimated.Both Wong and Yong Han were caugth to the short disance,anyway hopefully next time they know what exactly strategic need to use in future races.For Ida no need to say much,her peak condition in these 2 weeks has directly help her in this race too.Without using much of her strength,she conquer the uni women category champ.Rm500 in her pocket ler....I myslef have a bit dissapointing results of finishing 8th in my group.Losing to those Indian runners again.Yong Han and Wong finished 14th and 18th respectively.What annoy me the most is those guys who are not in uni/college using fake detail as to join the uni/college category.This is not an issue yet,the issue matter most is they still can get the prizes in the category!Please la,do respect the organiser and event,fair play is something that we want to see.So many races that we joined sure we must know that being respect and follow the rules is something very important.By joining in the category,they had deny the chances of other students to get inisde top 20 which will entitle them some consolation prizes....till here is what i would like to say for this week.Photos of the race will be uploaded if i get it early.
Race report,
Orange Run 2009

FREE ENTRY! Join us for the run and fun!
Date of The Orange Run: 12 April 2009 (Sunday)
Venue: Piazza @ The Curve,
Mutiara Damansara,
Petaling Jaya.
Closing date for the Registration: 5 April 2009
Last year i didnt join and most probably i will not join too this year looking at my current budget.Anyway its a nice event,i recommend those kakithoners in UTM KL to join.
For more infos click Here
Mountain To Mountain Challenge 2009 (M2M09)

The sirkit Kembara 2009 been back,surely our Gunung Champion Kecik will join and to defend some of his title there,haha!I never join before,and i get to know it through him also.Hopefully this year can get something new through this events.Gunung Nuang will be the first event which will be held at 5th April 2009.Theres IPT category too,so i plan to join in it....
For more infos click HERE
courtesy of Thnks
Monday, March 9, 2009
MASUM Athletic Meet 2009
This year Masum(Malaysia University Game)Athletic meet was schedule at 6-8 March in UPM.Our uni have sent around 15 students in this meet.Among the Kakithoners that joined are Chan,Kecik,Ida and myself.The events that we joined are 800m,1500m,3000m,3000m steeplechase,5000m and 10,000m.Both Chan n Kecik are first timer while i and Ida had been Masum last year.For the first timer guy,i think that the exposure and experience gain during the race is much valuable than any other thing!Chan went in his race of 800m n 1500m in the first 2 days while Kecik joined 10,000m in the first event of the first day!His another event was at last day which was 5000m on morning.Ida 1500m and 3000m was held at saturday and last day respectively.Me?I am the teruk sekali coz both my events was held at last day morning and evening.Morning is 5000m while evening 3000m steeplechase(my headache event).Chan joined 800m semi final and he felt the heat of the challenge.He used the wrong strategic and this has cost him the final round slot,he felt so miserable anyway i hope that with this mistake he done,he will bounce back next year and not give up easily.
Kecik 10,000m was the earliest event,being the first timer also,i think he had done very well to cope withg the pressure out there.Coach Yusuff ask me to jolt down every single lap time achieved by him and to his own surprise he finished the 25 laps in a time of 41mins+ which was his personal best so far.Anyway he didnt get inside top 5 to get at least a medal.The 5th placing guy was frm UPNM and his time was 40mins+,so kecik will really has the chance if he chase the front pack early.Kecik himself was 7th place!
Then come to Ida,her starting was quite far away from the front pack yet she was lucky to come frm behind to get inside medal hope for the 1500m event.Her finishing was quite good only the starting movement need to adjust a bit,anyway she also wear the running shoes for the event which coach and all of us think not really suitable as spike suppose to be the better choice and the condition on the track also a bit wet after downpour.She finished 3rd in this event.
Chan and Syed were joined the 1500m race in evening also and was final round.The pack was strong as Jironi the national athlete also joined the event.He is a class above the rest and achieved the record of 4mins 4 secs for the events.While both Chan and Syed finish in time of 5mins sub respectively.I knew that both of them felt dissapointed with the result,yet they can learn a lot frm the race!For the information,last year i joined 800m and 1500m and i suffered my worst defeat in these 2 events also.I learnt frm the mistake and make sure dun repeat it in coming event.
Last day was the action of Kecik,ida and myself.5000m event on morning,I and Kecik had been run 20mins during training,so i thin it shouldnt be any problem for him to run 19mins+ result.The front pack include Jironi and Sabahan Faizal who won 10,000m on friday won time of 36mins 58 secs.I chased the front pack for around 3 laps and never look behind since then.I finished the rcae in time of 18mins 44secs which my PB so far,coz before this i seldom joined 5000m even i joined only was during my uni game where i achieved time of 19.30secs.I am satisfied and happy with the guidance frm coach Yusuff.Kecik finisnhed in 19mins 48 secs which also his PB.
Evening races left me and Ida.Ida used right strategic and she manage to get 2nd placing inthe 3000m event.I didnt see much of her action coz i was preparing of my 3000m steeplechase event.For the event i can only say that i will try my best to achieve something.THis event i only ran once in my whole life which was my secondary school time and the time was bad.Since then i never try it and i feel really scare of jumping across the wooden bar and water pond there.Before this i used to running shoes for the event but coach recommend me to use spike.To my surprise i still can hang on there for the 7.5 lapsI knew that my weakness are the water jumping section anyway i still manage to cross over it yet my body wet....Trying to follow the leader but he too fast so i make sure hang on the 2nd place and thnks GOD i make it to the last also.Time wasnt good 11 mins 54secs but i still satisfied with my condition regarding my endurance and body strength.
This year MASUM organiser i have given thumb up to them,every events were started on time,prizing ceremony,results reporting all was fast enough.I am happy with my own performance,yet need to improve in coming events.I met my old buddies Kavin talk a lot with him,He is change back to USM,feel happy to meet him after so long.Syahidan the guy frm UITM,we also encourage each other.I hope that those guys with injury take care themselve well,think of ur future and not the short term condition.We all still have long journey to go...C u in next year MASUM!!!
Jironi leading all the way in 1500m
The style of running of Jironi,Chan's Idol
My action in 3000m steeplechase,seem beside the champion from Um,Wan
Jumping over the pond,menakutkan for me,coz everytime touch a lot of water
Crossed over the wooden bar,never use spike to do it before,takut tergelincir....
Mas with her medal in Heptathlon,she got 2nd
Izzuddin with his 3rd placing medal in triple jump,a surprise for him and us.
During prizing ceremony of 5000m,lost to first place guy 24 secs..
3000m steeplchase ceremony
Ida with her 3000m silver medal
Chan's Idol Jironi pose themselve.Jironi alse been selected as best male athlete.
UTM athletics team members
With coach Yusuff and Chan
Me,Syahidan and Kecik
The medal that won by me,silver and bronze medal
Kecik 10,000m was the earliest event,being the first timer also,i think he had done very well to cope withg the pressure out there.Coach Yusuff ask me to jolt down every single lap time achieved by him and to his own surprise he finished the 25 laps in a time of 41mins+ which was his personal best so far.Anyway he didnt get inside top 5 to get at least a medal.The 5th placing guy was frm UPNM and his time was 40mins+,so kecik will really has the chance if he chase the front pack early.Kecik himself was 7th place!
Then come to Ida,her starting was quite far away from the front pack yet she was lucky to come frm behind to get inside medal hope for the 1500m event.Her finishing was quite good only the starting movement need to adjust a bit,anyway she also wear the running shoes for the event which coach and all of us think not really suitable as spike suppose to be the better choice and the condition on the track also a bit wet after downpour.She finished 3rd in this event.
Chan and Syed were joined the 1500m race in evening also and was final round.The pack was strong as Jironi the national athlete also joined the event.He is a class above the rest and achieved the record of 4mins 4 secs for the events.While both Chan and Syed finish in time of 5mins sub respectively.I knew that both of them felt dissapointed with the result,yet they can learn a lot frm the race!For the information,last year i joined 800m and 1500m and i suffered my worst defeat in these 2 events also.I learnt frm the mistake and make sure dun repeat it in coming event.
Last day was the action of Kecik,ida and myself.5000m event on morning,I and Kecik had been run 20mins during training,so i thin it shouldnt be any problem for him to run 19mins+ result.The front pack include Jironi and Sabahan Faizal who won 10,000m on friday won time of 36mins 58 secs.I chased the front pack for around 3 laps and never look behind since then.I finished the rcae in time of 18mins 44secs which my PB so far,coz before this i seldom joined 5000m even i joined only was during my uni game where i achieved time of 19.30secs.I am satisfied and happy with the guidance frm coach Yusuff.Kecik finisnhed in 19mins 48 secs which also his PB.
Evening races left me and Ida.Ida used right strategic and she manage to get 2nd placing inthe 3000m event.I didnt see much of her action coz i was preparing of my 3000m steeplechase event.For the event i can only say that i will try my best to achieve something.THis event i only ran once in my whole life which was my secondary school time and the time was bad.Since then i never try it and i feel really scare of jumping across the wooden bar and water pond there.Before this i used to running shoes for the event but coach recommend me to use spike.To my surprise i still can hang on there for the 7.5 lapsI knew that my weakness are the water jumping section anyway i still manage to cross over it yet my body wet....Trying to follow the leader but he too fast so i make sure hang on the 2nd place and thnks GOD i make it to the last also.Time wasnt good 11 mins 54secs but i still satisfied with my condition regarding my endurance and body strength.
This year MASUM organiser i have given thumb up to them,every events were started on time,prizing ceremony,results reporting all was fast enough.I am happy with my own performance,yet need to improve in coming events.I met my old buddies Kavin talk a lot with him,He is change back to USM,feel happy to meet him after so long.Syahidan the guy frm UITM,we also encourage each other.I hope that those guys with injury take care themselve well,think of ur future and not the short term condition.We all still have long journey to go...C u in next year MASUM!!!
Race report,
Monday, March 2, 2009
KL Towerthon 2009 Results Part 1
The most awaited event for us is back......Because of this event come out the idea of Kakithon today,because of this event we all have been working so hard to make sure we stay together to achieve our mission race by race and to improve our performance no matter who you are,which course,college you come from.....Our Tuan Penasihat,Mr Black has gone to UPM to extend his study in 1 year time he will be backed again.Saturday morning 11,13 of us went to KL by UTM bus of which 2 teams being sponsored by Unit Sukan where the teams name is Kakithon UTM A and Kakithon UTM B.I would like to thank En.Idris for his kindness of sponsoring us in this event.
Who are the team member>?Team A include me,Lim,Chan,Khairul Faiz and Lee while team B conclude of Ida,Yong Han,Wong,Ady and Sham.Our main opponent this year will be still UPNM.So we arrived at the collection centre already around 5pm and we were so lucky to meet Mr Black and Mr.Faraied my civil engineering senior and UTM Alumni.Both of them have been buddies for so long.After getting our chip and No.we chit chat a while as Mr.Faraied is newcomer in this event,So we just discussed abit about the strategic that can be used during the race day.
This is the 2nd time i get into UTM KL Kolej Kedua.Its been some paper work problem where our keys were not included in the guard house so we cant check in our hostel only to wait for Pn Naema(UTM Officer) to distribute us the room key.Anyway everything was settle in the end and our Masum Coach Yusuf arrive at night around 9.30pm.i am glad that he make it which will accompany us during the race and his advice been really useful for us.Thanks him a lot..
The race day was on....its been quite funny that our UTM Bus driver dont know how to reach KL tower map.....zzzzzz....anyway we still get to Jalan P.Ramlee and walk up the hill nearby to reach the starting line.
This year event been a lot of people join which i think more than last year.We all are in group 2 starting line up which from no.300 above.Then Kenyan all are in group 1.I have meet my Penang running friends such as Yap and Mokhtar.The starting time is sharp and we all started at 8.15am.Running up the hill shouldnt be trouble for us as we have trained a lot of hill area.
When reached till the lowest part of Kl Tower,i just run up the stair to make sure i wont lag behind by those top guys.Through out the race its no easy to sustain such long stairs.Anyway i was glad to make it and i looked at my watch where my finishing time was 15.44secs which around 10secs faster than last year time of 15.57secs.In my group 2,i am the 3rd runner to finished the line behind my friend Mokhtar and Tan Song Hua(i always lost to him).
All my other friends also have encouraging time of around 17mins-18mins.So i was confident of making the podium again in IPT Category.At around 10am the results been out and my friend got his way to 9th placing in Men Open,Mokhtar.Being the first timer,he had done really well!Congratz to him!Me???I got 13th which my best position compare to last year 30+I am happy with my results and but abit dissapointed of position as i can be better to break inside top 10.Other guys also done very well,Lim is the 2nd best runner in our team follow by Lee,Khairul Faiz and Chan.
The IPT reults been abit longer than others anyway i am happy enough to saw the results of being crown champion in this group for our Team Kakithon UTM A!Once again thnks to all my teams members,they had done well and trained hard for the event,you all deserve it!Ida also done very well by getting the 9th placing in Women category although her Team B got the 7th placing.Owhhh...i have to stop here right now coz so many to say yet i am in the wrong time to type,the time now is 1.30am already!!!Paham paham la,my Uni WIFI Connection punya speed really slow,no choice you nak speed yang pantas,you kena online around 12am-1am.2nd part will be coming soon....
Who are the team member>?Team A include me,Lim,Chan,Khairul Faiz and Lee while team B conclude of Ida,Yong Han,Wong,Ady and Sham.Our main opponent this year will be still UPNM.So we arrived at the collection centre already around 5pm and we were so lucky to meet Mr Black and Mr.Faraied my civil engineering senior and UTM Alumni.Both of them have been buddies for so long.After getting our chip and No.we chit chat a while as Mr.Faraied is newcomer in this event,So we just discussed abit about the strategic that can be used during the race day.
This is the 2nd time i get into UTM KL Kolej Kedua.Its been some paper work problem where our keys were not included in the guard house so we cant check in our hostel only to wait for Pn Naema(UTM Officer) to distribute us the room key.Anyway everything was settle in the end and our Masum Coach Yusuf arrive at night around 9.30pm.i am glad that he make it which will accompany us during the race and his advice been really useful for us.Thanks him a lot..
The race day was on....its been quite funny that our UTM Bus driver dont know how to reach KL tower map.....zzzzzz....anyway we still get to Jalan P.Ramlee and walk up the hill nearby to reach the starting line.
This year event been a lot of people join which i think more than last year.We all are in group 2 starting line up which from no.300 above.Then Kenyan all are in group 1.I have meet my Penang running friends such as Yap and Mokhtar.The starting time is sharp and we all started at 8.15am.Running up the hill shouldnt be trouble for us as we have trained a lot of hill area.
When reached till the lowest part of Kl Tower,i just run up the stair to make sure i wont lag behind by those top guys.Through out the race its no easy to sustain such long stairs.Anyway i was glad to make it and i looked at my watch where my finishing time was 15.44secs which around 10secs faster than last year time of 15.57secs.In my group 2,i am the 3rd runner to finished the line behind my friend Mokhtar and Tan Song Hua(i always lost to him).
All my other friends also have encouraging time of around 17mins-18mins.So i was confident of making the podium again in IPT Category.At around 10am the results been out and my friend got his way to 9th placing in Men Open,Mokhtar.Being the first timer,he had done really well!Congratz to him!Me???I got 13th which my best position compare to last year 30+I am happy with my results and but abit dissapointed of position as i can be better to break inside top 10.Other guys also done very well,Lim is the 2nd best runner in our team follow by Lee,Khairul Faiz and Chan.
The IPT reults been abit longer than others anyway i am happy enough to saw the results of being crown champion in this group for our Team Kakithon UTM A!Once again thnks to all my teams members,they had done well and trained hard for the event,you all deserve it!Ida also done very well by getting the 9th placing in Women category although her Team B got the 7th placing.Owhhh...i have to stop here right now coz so many to say yet i am in the wrong time to type,the time now is 1.30am already!!!Paham paham la,my Uni WIFI Connection punya speed really slow,no choice you nak speed yang pantas,you kena online around 12am-1am.2nd part will be coming soon....
Race report,
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