This event is organized by Penang State Government every year. 3 kakithoners which are Ong, Wong and Lim took part in half marathon (21km)...
The run start at 2.30am for where full marathon category kick off the race. Then followed by half marathon, an hour after the full marathon start. The quarter marathon and fun run are the categories start last.
Ong, at the very beginning already run as lead for kakithoners, followed by Lim and Wong. Ong appear to be in the 19th palcing with time 1hr.33min, Lim in 73rd with time 1hr.47min while Wong who experienced stomach ache completed the 21km run in 150th with time 1hr.58min. Total participants took part in half marathon are 2800 people. Ong and Lim had did their personal best (PB) time in half marathon...Congratulation to them for completing the race...
More updates will be 。。。。(Written by Wong if i not mistake)
Heres my update(Ong)
I had been less online for these few days all because of my current condition of working everyday frm 10-10pm and my home also dun have internet connection anymore coz the phone line been damaged quite long time,and my parents decide to cut the line.
So i been prepare for the Digi dial up line connecting thru bluetooth of my Hp and my laptop.Lucky today i manage to settle it.Although the line very slow but still enuff for me to upload something else at here.
Both Lim kor n Wong been first time joining the PBIM,so me as host really thnks that they willing to travel such far to my hometown n join with me in the race.Anyway both of them didnt really stay long in my home as they back early.

This year been 2nd time the opposition government taking up the task to organise the PBIM,As i heart alot of comment about the first edition of PBIM last year,so joining it in 2nd year will be alot to watch out.
3 of us joining the Haf Marathon,a race n distance i fear the most,y?coz i x pandai dalam distance ni lo.I more to 10km running rather thn >20km running,somemore i just back frm my holiday in Sarawak with my coursemate for 5days staying there without doing any training!Got la,once oni hiking up to the challenging Gunung Santubong!So i think for PBIM,I may well outside the time that i wanna achieve.The fact is in PBIM 2009,I didnt really target anything else,for both time n postition.As i knew i been doing really bad in the last time PBIM few years ago which around 1hr 45min + if i no mistake.

Thanks god that after all my training of mileage in UTM been fruitful that i didnt really discover it.K,let me continue about the race start at 3.30am sharp,the PBIM orgaiser been doing great that provide all the facilities to runner such as toilet which cater for all of us n the sponser booth all just around the corner with the starting line.

I meet with my BM Leoapard frens as well,they all been well prepare for the race here.Thnks to Yap also 1 of my BM leoapard fren that help to take the no. n vest for us.I think by oaying RM40 is worth enuff for us as we getting the Brooks vest which can worth rm20+.3 of us been reaching Queensbay mall at around 12am right after i finish my restaurant work at Chai leng Park.SO we jus had around 1-2hrs time to take up the nap.
As usual i can c those familiar faces before n after the race.Right after the race start,i just follow tightly with Ah Koon 1 of my Leoapard fren as well.amazingly when we reach the U-turn of 10km,my time was 40mins,wow!thats fast! its what i think about when reaching there.Anyway i didnt really bother much about it,jus continue to run and i feel really really good,just dunno why,i think may be coz of my mileage training 5days in a row during my exam week!I knew that my weakness point and just hope that it didnt really occur back,luckily it only occur at the time of around 1hr 15min,so i hav few more mins to improve my timing.
The fact that i think that i might well achieve below 1hr 30mins,its been already too late coz of my poor fininshes at last 4km.Anyway i really thnks god for giving me such a strength to finish my best ever Half marathon n i getting love to this event haha!I manage to capture lim kor pic but its quite blur,he also doing his best time in Half marathon,congratz to him.He is a busy man,want to train also hard as we only can see him may be once a week nia.Wong finish well below 2hrs,not a good time for him as he feel not nice in his stomach before the race.So hopefully he learn frm the lesson.
After the race,brought them to eat famous food in Pg,as well some i

nterest places,but i can say we miss alot of thing to be enjoy in Pg coz of the short time we had here.Anyway hope all of us getting enjoy to the race n Penang here.Overall the organiser been doing good for this year race!Any of our other member wanna join for next year PBIM?Come on jus dun hesitate to ask me about it.