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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Kakithoners' show in MUDS Series 2 UM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Malakoff University Duathlon Series 2
The second series of the MUDS was organised in UM at 26th July 2008.Our team only send 3 persons in University category,which were me,Suhaimie,and Jiha.We know that the chance for us to take the honour of being the best uni has become slim,anyway we just try our best to compete with those big guys.With the transportation provided last minute by the Faculty of education,i and Suhaimie went to the UM at 25 night,where we just rely our accomodation of my primary school friend's house which is around 10km from UM.I must thank him for providing us one of the basic enquiries that needed.Without proper sleep,i can assure you that there will not be a satisfactory results that come out!Once again our main rival is UPNM,I happened to know there will be hilly road during our cycling route,and i just try my best to finish it off.In fact,Chan(UPNM)had followed me through out the whole race!Even untill the race going to be finished which was running section.Till the end i lost to Shahrom 4minutes+-,I cant even fight with him in the running section!He's so fast!Another person that also beside me during the race is the Japanese Iwata,he is a seasoned runner,i know that his time in Half-marathon is very fast,i also cant even fight with him in that running distance!Finally i finished the line in 54mins 1 sec just behind Iwata.The official results came out,and i was 1st,Suhaimie got 5th.while Jiha said her body not well,even caught a flu,and i hope she can recover well to get the best placing in the coming week in UPNM.To all my friends out there,congratulation for finish this race provided the hill side area of cycling come out to be one of the toughest part,and you had conquered it,well done!Must thanks Pmtey for snapping the picture for us.
I and Suhaimie arrived at early 7am as we need to take our no.and T-shirt,so its just little bikes out there.
Shahrom got the first in men's open with the time just at 50mins+,must learn from him a lot next time.Next time i also need to run along with Iwata san,ha!Thank
T.penasihat asked me to take the Jalur Gemilang,at first i reluctant,but no choice after all Suhaimie passed it to me when on the stage.
All the winners had their pic and happy moment...
The kakithoners,Faraied,T.penasihat(Black),Jiha,me,and Suhaimie,see you in UPNM!
The Mens University results
Friday, July 25, 2008
Duathlon video
Perhentian Island Challenge 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Malakoff University Duathlon Series 1
17th July 2008,4 of us(me,Lee,Lim,and new kakithoner Suhaimie Tolek)arrive at UKM at around 10pm,and we went in the hostel/rumah tetamu near Kolej Aminudin Baki.the next morning which was 18th,friday we went for the race location and its been a little bit hilly area in UKM,and in the evening we went to the Duathlon Clinic and took our race no. and T-shirt.We learned a lot during the clinic and must thank to Shahrom and Stephanie for providing infos about the duathlon provided we are the first timer.19th july is the race day,the race cosist of 3km-13km-3km(run-bike-run).UPNM was sending the biggest contingent to the race which was more than 50 persons while our UTM only 7 persons!I knew that our biggest threat is UPNM,anyway T.Penasihat ask us to give our best then will be good enough.I and Suhaimie were in Mens Uni category while Jiha in Womens Uni.,the mixed team of Ida,Lim and Lee,T.Penasihat and Faraied in mens open.The race went on well and all of us had finished in very good position.Suhaimie was the men Uni champion,mixed team(2nd),me(4th),Jiha(4th).Only the individual offer the points for the next 2 races which will be held in UM and UPNM.UPNM was the biggest winner in this event anyway our UTM also not bad and can be considered 2nd among other unis.1 things that make the different between UPNM and UTM is their bicycles are sponseored by the unis while we have to fork out our money for our own bike!Anyway we are proud of our acievements.
The race t-shirt and no.Powerbar provided too.
The transition area and the bikes
Our mixed team of LKS,Lee,and Ida,hoo...ray..u did a very good job!
Jiha got her 4th place medal,she was so unlucky that had 'pumcit'
I am in the 4th place,a little bit of dissapointing coz of time penalty,if not ....
Suhaimie was all smile after all his hard work paid off,well done!You r the MUDS champion
The Kakithon family members.So happy about the race..haha!
Believe or not using this lousy bike this mixed team can get the 2nd placing also,dont play play o....
Mens unis category results.
The mixed team results,our team lost around 3 mins to the top team.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Merentas Desa Sukam 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Kakithoner past events' results
The Starwalk 12nd medal and the cert Chan got.
The medal of Ipoh International Run and the cert.
Monday, July 7, 2008
we have fitness test on the first week of semester..
Proudly to announce that UTM Sports Science Research & Consultation Group will conducting a Fitness Test for Kakithoners..This test will be held as below,
Date: 9th July 2008 (Wednesday)
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Makmal Penyelidikan Kecergasan Sains Sukan (C14), UTM Skudai
Conductor : En Muhamad Hafiz Ismail & his team
For: All Kakithoners are invited to take this test
What will be measured?
- Blood Pressure
- Body Mass Index
- Sit-up (60 sec)
- Push-up (60 sec)
- Sitting Trunk Flexion
- Reaction time
- 2.4km run (next time)
welcome back!!
Welcome backn to our lovely UTM..after 2-3 month all Kakithoners training by themself, finally we can train together..perhaps this week we can make it..
So make sure all kakithoners, come back with new positive spirit, good condition and 'azam baru'..
To who are in MUDS 2008 Team, our intensive duathlon training are waiting for you.. Tuan Penasihat already prepare the training programme, outside coach in cycling and also sports science performance team for kakithoners..
So what the hell are you waiting for, grab your shoe and run!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Seremban Half Marathon 2008

I had joined the race last year,very scenery view in it.But you have to know that in men open and boy's junior category,it will be very stiff competition in it,where those NS boys are so fast!anyway i still haven't decide whether to join this time or not.Lets wait and see how.The detail is below:
Date :24 August 2008
Where : Padang NS,short distance that close to the NS Bus station
Closing date 7 August 2008
Website : HERE form can be found there too.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Time for Du-Athlon!!!
Date : 12th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 8:30 am
Place : Bus Stop Tasik (our transition area)
What to bring: your shoe(s), bike, helmet, water, energy bar or gel, your spirit
Menu : Run (5km)- Bike (20km) - Run (5km), all route are around campus..
So please come and challenge your body to the limit..
Time for Du-Athlon!!!
Date : 12th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 8:30 am
Place : Bus Stop Tasik (our transition area)
What to bring: your shoe(s), bike, helmet, water, energy bar or gel, your spirit
Menu : Run (5km)- Bike (20km) - Run (5km), all route are around campus..
So please come and challenge your body to the limit..

A duathlon is a competition that is composed of running and biking.
The usual format for a duathlon is run-bike-run, meaning you start
with a run, then transition to the bike, then transition back to
running again. Your time starts when you start the race, and finishes
when you cross the finish line. This means that the time it takes you
to switch from running to cycling and back again is part of your race time
enforced for athlete safety and to keep the race fair. As a result,
most rules are related to the cycling portion of the race, so we'll go
over them now, starting at the beginning of the race.
order to keep the course relatively uncrowded, racers begin the race
in groups or waves, separated by several minutes time. Waves are
typically assigned based on age group or category such as relay teams.
Starting in your pre-assigned wave is mandatory.
Next, you must know and complete the entire course, this includes
entering and exiting the transition area at the proper place.
Most races have a rule that there is no cycling in the transition
area. They will have a mount line just outside the transition area,
and you must run or walk your bike out of the transition zone and past
that line before beginning to ride.
Anytime you are on the bike, including before and after the race, you
are required to wear a helmet and have it buckled. Any competitor who
unbuckles his/her helmet while on the bike, or who mounts his/her bike
with an unbuckled helmet will be disqualified. A good rule of thumb is
to buckle your helmet before you take your bike off the rack, and when
you finish cycling, wait until you rack your bike before you unbuckle
your helmet.
Drafting, or cycling directly behind or alongside another competitor,
is strictly prohibited, as it provides an unfair advantage in an
individual sport. You must leave at least 3 bike lengths between your
front wheel and the rear wheel of the bike in front of you. If you
choose to pass another cyclist, you must pass on the left, and you
have 15 seconds to get your front wheel past the front wheel of the
person you are passing. The person being passed must then fall back 3
bike lengths before trying to repass you. This way, two cyclists won't
be riding side by side going back and forth for miles.
You must ride to the left side of the road, so that a passing cyclist
can pass on the right. Riding on the right side of your lane is called
blocking, and carries a time penalty for the offender.
No crossing the center line of the road, even to pass.
Again, most races have a rule that there is no cycling in the
transition area. They will have a dismount line just outside the
transition area, and you must dismount your bike and run or walk your
bike into the transition zone.
Other rules include no glass, pets, friends, family, or nudity in the
transition area, and no pets, baby joggers, ipods, or outside
assistance allowed during the race.
Our Men Behind The Team
For starting point, they will serve us for Malakoff University Duathlon Series 2008..
Hopefully, all Kakithoners will take this opportunity to learn and asking as many as you can during their period of service..
Here they are:
- Dr Zainal Abidin Zainuddin (nutrition advisor, exercise physiologist)
- Pn Asha Hasnimy Mohd Hashim (rehabilitation & sports injuries advisor)
- En Muhammad Hafiz Ismail (physical fitness measurement & evaluation tester @ advisor)
- En Mohd Ibrahim Haji Azman (duathlon training programmer & coach)
- En Mohd Yusoff Mat Yaman (running technique coach)
A meeting already discussed about this contribution and services, they're so glad and honor to give their best.
Hopefully, all Kakithoner will use this great apportunity, to improve Kakithon Club, to perform our best..