A run which been criticised heavily by alot of Bloggers and those season runners.This run been joined by Chan,Lim and me.I knew that from the starting its been really hard to get inside placing for my men open category so as Chan.While Lim in his Half Marathon event was only targeting to finish in a best time.
We(Lim and me)reached Medan Gopeng at 4.30am on sunday morning, and Chan drived us to his home to rest a while.Then the sky start to rain cat and dog which make us felt more scarry about the run!
Cold weather is our main enemy rather our normal enemy of other runners!Even when we reached Stadium Indera Mulia the weather condition still no change at all at time around 6.45am.I can saw alot of Kenyan runner and Thai runner.So the organiser announce that they will delay 15mins of the starting time.A step which to hope the raining will stop,anyway when time is around 7am the condition still much or less same as before.
The worst part come where alot of blogger n runner criticised the most.This all because of the reluctant of the organiser to start at 7am then they choose to start the race at 7.30am!This will only make the matter worst as we all are standing while raining!Imagine how we all feel when asking you standing for 30mins in this kind of condition!Shivering is something you cant avoid,some how we all mostly wearing the vest and running short!So in this part organiser already failed to take care the wellfare of runner!
Then during the running route i can only say the most confusing part is during the kilometre 2 where runner either have to turn right or go straight,if you turn right you will head to 21km route while go straight is 10km route.Anyway i was making correct decision by follwing runner in front of me.
Then the finishing part is where i felt that something that organiser should make of such kind of lousy mistake!When runners finish their route just direct give them their finisher medal rather than asking finisher to go que up to the close by booth to take their medal,this only make the matter worst!why???because when the 10km and 21km guys finish their races,those kid running in 7km n 5km already reach their finishing line and they also wan to take their medal and certificate!SO every1 were in so kelam kabut condition to grap their needy!For those finish early its ok,but for those finish abit late they need to wait and suffer alot because of this lousy system set by organiser and Perak Athletic Association!
The worst part coming.I think almost the organiser of arious run in malaysia are making such fooly mistake during giving away the prizes of those placing 4th a below.Never have a systematic way of let each group winner to que up and take their cash prizes respectively.They just ask the category as they like then the winner will only be let to go inside the prizes desk!
For me?Finished in 7th in men open will need to wait untill all other categories given away all their prizes then wait for another half an hours only the organiser dare to give us prizes!Why?All because of the protest done by the top runner which running intio wrong route then complaining about it,yet organiser just so bodoh dunno how to make decision and so late only to release the final results.Is it the organiser scare of the protest runner?Running into wrong route can only have yourself to be blame of although you can say organiser didnt put proper marshal of showing the way,but why we and other winner run into correct route?So just think logically about it.
Then i only got my cash and medal at around 1pm.....so late!Lim and Chan been waiting for me till they felt sleepy...Sorry to them...This is my maiden run of Ipoh Run and i already making 2 record of mine which first i break my own 10km road running time of which i achieved 36mins 40secs,Chan get in 43rd with time of 42-43mins.Lim in 77th of time 1 hour and 36 min.
I have to say this is first time i got such big amount of cash pay out of Rm600.As compare to Ida sure i lost alot to her.But for my personal its been a quite alot for me ler.
Then we trio back at 930pm reach utm at around 5am monday morning....zzzz i think i had written alot ler.Any1 wanna help me continue or put some extra infos inside???