With the cancellation of KL Towwerthon IPT team event,our training team been unofficially "dibubarkan".What can i say of my early year preparation all in vain.Now starting my first job,so gonna be busy wholeday round,and i learn alot regarding site,not only that slope stabilisation and road maintenance been in my scope as well,can be said an almost complete true civil engineer except for the designing part.hehe!Next time u guys come up here seeing the nice road pavement as well as slope stabilisation,u can proud to say one of our kakithoner is the matermind behind all these,ha!(i think i'm too 'sombong' ler).
Then without any team preparation of this event,we all 6members just join.Zaheen family really support and bring both the borthers all the way from melaka to Bukit Kiara here.Thanks Gan for register for all of us and drive us to the race location.Thanks Moey family for being our bext supporter at that nite.
All our runners been randomly placed,so no choice.Initially i can say that the Selangor Junior team is very fast to us.We been lag behind abit.The 3rd team from Edan Adination.Then when come to half way,we still can see any improvement.when come to the end of last 1 hour,our team been successfully catch up the leading team and manage to overcross then to the final 4hours period!What a release!never think we can achieve such feat as our initial target is top 3 only.
Must really thanks Zaheen and Thaqif,u both really great.Not to forget Gan,Wong and Ting been trying so hard to match those selangor junior some more want come to complain our team...Haiz..seem like they are not satisfied after being cut over by our runner.I sincerely hope that such incident will not happen again.Fair play has always a priority inside our team.in the end,i hope evry1 will enjoy this valuable moment