At 26th of April,i was travelled morning to KL to meet with another Kakithoner in KL that wait for me,that is Wong Chin Chun,he had his exam paper in the evening until 4.30pm.After that both of us hurry to the Pudu Bus station to wait for the 7pm bus to Bidor town,Edaran Express.When we reach the town is already around 8.30pm.We were fetch by my friends from Penang,Yap and Hui Ming,both of them went to the Bidor by van.We thought that we are going to stay in the van overnight,as Yap had told me that theres no more hotel room in Bidor even in Tapah.Anyway they had checked in a new hotel in Kampar,Grand Kampar Hotel.Yeah,its really grand and nice inside its room!
After the next day,4 of us went to the Bidor town by the bus provided by organiser.1 thing i had to tell you all is that the travel distance between Kampar and Bidor is not what you guys think that is so close,its 30KM!You will need around 30mins to travel between!Exactly at 7am the half marathon event was started,and my 10km event was at 7.05am.
All along the way,its been a bit of hilly road for 10km,the scenery is very fresh hardly any vehicle pass by the road(may be those guy well a sleep,or block by the organisers,ha)also may be its just a small town.Leading the pack for my 10km is the men open 10k champion,M.Balu(he is national runner,selangor state runner,same age as me)and some of his gang,another that i known is Shahrom Abdullah,i can hardly follow the group,they are too fast(me slow also)anyway my condition for the week is quite good,as i had train very hard for it although i am sitting my exam! Theres a indian guy that come challenge me at around 3km untill the final point,he is the men junior veteran champion,once a while he lead me after taking the check point ribbon,anyway i break away from him 2km from the finishing.Infact its really hard to challenge with him,his hill speed is really good,as far i can concern indian runner wasnt really good at hill area,anyway this guy is really good at it.
After sawing the 2km from the finishing mark,i become 'fresher'and run a bit fast,anyway it wasnt a really fast speed that i want as to make a good time.I cross the line at 39mins 30secs from my digi watch.Overall i quite satisfied with my performance,as this is my best 10km time of the year so far after KL Marathon where i made 39mins 39secs(with more runner push my along the way,while this one only the veteran champion push me)Also quite happy is that i am the first chinese that cross the line in 10km event;but i was a bit dissapointed to being able to challenge the front pack for a longer time,if not i think that i can make it to 38mins which i had made long time ago.The men open champion just used 34mins to finished the race,2nd also 34mins while national dualthlete,Shahrom finished in 37mins++(i was a bit dissapointed with myself as i didnt really improve any else,but Shahrom did improve a lot,last year in Orange run i was same speed with him,now he is getting far from me,i really have to work extra hard!!!)
My penang friends,Yap was finished at 6th in his junior veteran event with the time of 41mins++;while another one Hui Ming is doing the time aroound 50mins(he is just starting).Our kakithoner,Wong joined the 21KM,he finished in 2 hours time,the fact is he injured his leg last week while playing basketball,same as another kakithoner,Lim Kar Sing.Here i really have to tell all of you guys/gals that have to be really extra carefull of your sports activities,it will be really
hurt a if you all
didnt really care of it,the injury
may get worse if you hope it recover fast,then you really have to
be listen to your doctor or your injury.We four had our final lucky draw session and went back by the bus provided and check out the nice hotel at 12pm.Kampar has really develope to a very nice area,may be because of the Rahman University there,their new entertainment shophouses area also can be better than my Penang,Bandar Sunway.I think it may just lost abit to the Queensbay mall area there only.
With the heavy heart we all went back to our destination,and i reach hostel at 10.30pm(the next day i have my final paper of soil mechanic,really scare also,ha!)anyway now i am free now!!!!!I also had done with my new passport,and i am looking forward to the Singapore race and Thailand race where i may go together with my Penang friends.One more thing to all the Kakithoners,i had seen the conversation in pm1,where one of thier members are challenging us by taking their captain againt our kaki captain for the 10km race,they said that if their captain lost then will be 51pm malu,if kaki captain lost then 15kaki malu.Anyway pm1 got 6th,he is quite good,you guy/gals must learn for him .
Have a nice Holiday to all those university students,Thanks.

A nice view at Kampar Town,develope a lot.

The Grand Kampar Hotel that we stayed,nice

The t-shirt and Wong's Half Marathon No.It wasnt really nice for me which had to pay RM 20/RM 35 for adult.

Starting and finishing point.

I was taking the trophy,if got 3rd can get extra money voucer and 2days resort staying,only had myself to be blamed no to train hard.

Yap,got the 6th in Mens Junior 10km,although he hardly train,but still manage to run a good time.Well done!

My another running friends,Kong from Selama,Perak.He also got inside top 8 in Men Senior veteran 10km.

A nice look at the finisher medal,very big(for me)haha!

My trophy and Yap's trophy and our placing card.Infact trophy also very nice and heavy.

A final picture of four of us,Yap,Wong,Hui Ming,Ong.

The night view of Kampar Bandar Baru town that i captured from the hotel's room.